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  • Quick question if you dont mind though, do you have 10 villagers?? I don't believe my void is cleared and I dont want to give you any villagers you dont want
    My fc is 1865 1014 7565 I accidentally put a 7 instead of the 5 in my settings lol I'll go add you bro
    My fc is 1865 1014 7565 I accidentally put a 7 instead of the 5 in my settings lol I'll go add you bro
    Omg are you sure?? And would there be any problems doing it cause I have a plot reservation up with my 9th villager right now
    Oh my gosh! No one has Lyman. Do you still have him? I'm sorry I was away from my computer all morning. Getting ready for vacation... If not I understand.
    Regardless cheat or any other things all the thing has effects others. Its about the respect to each other's preference. You don't need to cheat at place where it has restriction. But I see sadly you don't have enough intelligence to understand it.
    Holly jerk you are. I don't really think its nice or lovely when we ignore the rule which is confirmed at certain community. Its like, the habit of smoking. If you like cigar go for it, but you shouldn't smoke at the place where "NO SMOKING" because people have the right to choose to not smoke or hate smoke while they have the right to prefer smoking. That's why rule exists all the place.
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