AnimalCrossingCF Jul 29, 2011 Hi,Wanna add me on 3ds?I added you so here:Code:0774-4289-4855.Name:asaph.
SonicPinhead Jun 30, 2011 O hey, since we across each other with Street Pass, might as well exchange 3DS friend codes, right?
Presea Jun 14, 2011 the last time i saw zel he was talking about something going on irl, and that he was leaving the net. must of been true, haven't seen him since..
the last time i saw zel he was talking about something going on irl, and that he was leaving the net. must of been true, haven't seen him since..
Micah Jan 12, 2011 Yeah. You should start those again. Those were awesome. How's life been treating you?
Justin Jan 12, 2011 Oh yeah! I remember you! Do you remember the Mafia forum games? I'm thinking of getting that started again.
Oh yeah! I remember you! Do you remember the Mafia forum games? I'm thinking of getting that started again.