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  • It's great! You do a really good job.
    I'm inspired to upload some AC pictures now, but I'm being lazy about it (so it probably won't happen! Haha.)
    (Sorry your pm is full.)
    I get what you mean though, people fight over the weirdest things. haha
    And Tammy's plots not too big of a deal, I like a challenge every once and a while. >:D
    I wonder what's causing that xD .. Well, I just wondered 'cos I started my PG town again recently and found three of my favourite villagers of all time - Hornsby, Hank and Ellie there, and wanted to make sure they superglued themselves into place :p
    Ohey Jeff, you've probably seen me buzzing around your videos a bit and such :p .. You've got a great blog, I love reading you lay into Tabby and Tammy (and Jambette before :p)

    Just a quick question, you've had some of your AC PG villagers forever, and you don't go on it (or at least blog it) for ages, and your main villagers never move out.. Is there some trick to that, or do they just never move? :eek:
    Hi, Jeff! Years ago my sisters (MadisonCrossing and MeghanNewLeaf) and I discovered you on YouTube. We loved your videos and begged our parents to get the GameCube version of Animal Crossing, but unfortunately we never did; yet it was you who had us get City Folk. If it wasn't for your videos, I don't think I'd love Animal Crossing as much as I do now. You're our inspiration! :)
    Was reading your blog and it's fantastic ! I remember when I was little and I watched all your videos on Animal Crossing GameCube. I was upset when I got the game because I didn't have the exact same villagers as you. :/ I was kinda stupid... I showed my parents all your videos when they asked what I wanted for Christmas ! Thanks for getting me into AC GameCube ! Keep at it ! You're awesome !
    Haha, I finally found out what JVGS stands for xD
    It's Beth, btw, adding you as a friend :D
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