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  • Did you know that you received an apple favorite award? It was Best Activity in TBT Space Camp, for the Common Room Design activity. I gave two users “apple favorites”, but I would like to give you one too.
    How thoughtful, thank you!
    I remember when I said that I would like to be your squire back when you were a mod, but I got demoted after receiving an infraction. Breaking the rules is dishonorable. I won’t do it again.
    We all make mistakes, it’s what keeps us rounded, like an apple. I hope you’re enjoying the events!
    Kaiaa I just wanted to let u know that the dropquote puzzles are challenging but so satisfying to solve! I'm having a great time working on them. 🌟⭐ thank you for being one of our fearless leaders on this journey through space :)
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    Reactions: Kaiaa
    I’m glad you’re enjoying them, I’m afraid most people aren’t as happy to solve them haha! Who doesn’t like a little extra challenge though!? Keep up the good work!
    Hi Kaiaa! Thank you for being one of our guides on the space journey! And I love your avatar as well!💕
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    Reactions: Kaiaa
    I’m happy to be a part of the fun and thankful that it seems like most people are enjoying it as well. Thank you, Aquilla made my avatar!
    I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Birthday to our favourite anime girl Nagisa! 😊

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