• Staff favorites and raffle winners have been announced for TBT's Season of Giving! See the latest announcement thread: TBT's Season of Giving 2024: Closing Ceremony. Thank you to everyone for sharing your creativity and generosity during this event!

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  • I mean I was like right there
    his friend and I were talking and he's like "well lemme say hi"
    and he did and I was like "~~~~~"
    and he dnt say anything to me so~

    and yes the slower the better
    no I jst glared at this dude smfh

    I don't understand

    I think imam talk to him tmrw but idk I chickened out yesterday okay
    I had talked to him once already and then when 7th pd ended I was like nope
    so I walked up to a dude tht I knew who was sitting at the table
    and another dude is like "is tht the girl"
    and I gave him a sideways glare

    and then tyler laughed
    I think
    I think I made hi laugh during lunch
    either that or he jst looked in the general direction of my stance
    and felt the random need to laugh
    Hiya! c:
    Sorry I never got back to you last night, Mr. Boyfriend and I ended up going to bed as soon as we finished the laundry, lol.

    VNs.. I know I have World End Economica, Unhack, Roommates, Go! Go! Nippon!, and the three Heileen games.. but I haven't personally played any of those so I can't really recommend anything. D:
    There's a few VNs on sale over here, too, if none of those interest you, or if you just want a few more options. They're all pretty cheap; http://www.bundlestars.com/store/

    But I haven't played any of those, either. lol. I have the two Flower Shop games on another account because they looked super cute, but I haven't tried them yet. The only VNs I've played so far have been Hatoful Boyfriend, Magical Diary, and Cinders. They're interesting, but I'm still more of a survival horror and FPS kinda girl, haha.

    ...I'm sorry if that wasn't terribly helpful. D:
    Glad to hear it! And I really do hope you enjoy it, I loved it. lol.

    And yep yep. Everything you add to it is permanently tied to your account. c:

    I wouldn't have almost 800 games on my account if I thought they'd ever disappear. omg that would be terrible. ;-;
    Kay, I sent it. c:

    I'll assume from the lack of hate mail, all went well? lol.
    Yeah, I tried negotiate for Skye and they refused to drop below 180, and that was only 20 cheaper than what she wanted for her..

    He always seems to have the villagers I'm looking for and he asks for way too much.
    There's this guy, whenever I go to the Looking For/Buying villager thread, he'll PM me asking for obsurds amounts of TBT. He tried selling me Chief for 300, then Skye for 200 (I went down to 180 though, I really wanted her). Asked for Freya in the thread and he wants 200 for her. Seriously, wtf.
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