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  • Definitely will do<3 This search might be difficult but I hope it pays off haha xD I have a really good sci-fi render from planetrenders, but want something smexy to do for before bed just 'cause hahaha xD I may end up doing it tomorrow myeh:p

    Ah, well even if my apparent Alice renders were not great, the banners look absolutely awesome:D
    You can also use the renders for my style samples in my shop as references. They are all grade A renders.

    Something else: requested works seem lower quality than my style samples: Provided renders suck 90% of the time. Seriously. There's little I can do most of the time when I'm presented with a render that has zero flow associated with it. There's also styles that don't work with certain renders.
    Cut off bottoms are complete acceptable. Rarely do you use the bottom half of a render.
    Just use my Hatsune Miku flipping you the !@#$ off render as a reference. See how bad ass it is? You can really feel the anger and flow in it. It's an amazing render. You know how people say nudity is art? Well. Her flipping everyone off is art in my opinion. It's one of the best renders I've seen.
    If you're talking about Callaway, I gave her permission. She accidentally uploaded the wrong one.
    Poor flow. Horrid lighting. Like. Really !@#$ing horrid. It's hard to do effects on a render like that. And dimming the light down kills the render quality. These are the renders I hate the most.
    There was like 11 or 12 entries. In the first. Day. What the heck. I think it's because of the anime theme. Heh.
    Idk that paranoia might drive me crazy haha :p
    Cellars/basements/attics make me paranoid, even though I don't even have any of those haha. I guess it's because so many scary things happen in those places in scary movies/stories that I just associate them with scary stuff :>
    Yep, NPC's fault that they died bc they were obviously in the way ugh, silly NPCs.
    Hehe, well I've started on my sig for SOTW! I reaally like it, actually. Hopefully you & other people will like it as well. c:
    I was finally able to choose a signature and character from an anime that I just started. She's so adorable <3
    Compare my signature's render with that one. HUGE flow difference. Right? Never pick renders that are stationary. You can't do much with them.
    .... Should post a tutorial about "GFX" worthy renders and ones you should avoid. That render there? Not GFX worthy. At all.
    Hmm. Yeah. Not seeing much flow. The render doesn't even look like it belongs there, besides the shadows.
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