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  • Better. Now add some focal points around in the signature by soft brushing a color and setting the blending setting to either screen or linear dodge.
    Way better. Now. Burn the sides and add soft brush lighting to the top for a light source. Also. Sharpen the render.

    \/ Hi, Nikki. \/
    am i the crazy puppy???? :D
    -hugs- sorry tho, i suck at conversation ;; im trying to be okay, and you? i hope youre well <3
    Too much lighting. It's too bright. Also, there are too many effects making the signature cluttered. Try removing some of them and adjusting them to match your renders flow.
    Sorry, I didn't reply until this morning because I fell asleep last night :p D'awhh, puppies are adorable <3
    Hehe, I'm not that incredible at all. It took me a looong time to get to where I am now. My sigs in the beginning looked nothing like yours do now! :>
    Well, next time you do a tutorial, mind sharing ? I'll give it a shot :')
    But oh wow, I can't wait to see the sign for your new shop! I'm sure it'll look great c:
    With the C4D stocks in the tutorial, how do you just change the glowy parts? I can't figure it out Dx
    It was wonderful, thank you! The birthday messages on here were unexpected too so it was an extra sweet surprise. Thank you!
    I posted it ! n___n
    I have a shop, but I get too lazy to bump it haha
    Also, no one requests either but it's ok :> Sometimes I get a little lazy and don't feel like doing requests right away :p
    I've never actually followed a tutorial when making a signature. Should I try it? I've pretty much just been always doing trial & error when it comes to GFX, along with a couple tips here & there from people.
    Thank you!! I'm finishing it up right now, and I'm gonna post the finished product in my showcase thread c:
    I kind of want to add text, but I'm afraid any text I add will look ugly and/or it'll disrupt the flow :<
    But this kind of signature is definitely different from what I'm used to :p
    & Oh, that's fine! I'll just leave this here first c:
    Here's a screenshot of what I currently have: http://puu.sh/aJxNg.jpg
    I'm stuck on what more to add and what more I CAN add without disturbing the flow D:
    It's still a work in progress though, so keep in mind that I'm not done withthe lighting/other adjustments. n__n
    Hey, do you mind helping me out on a sig ? I'm working on one but I'm kinda stuck right now D:
    I'd appreciate it if you could help me out, but if you're busy then I understand n__n
    Just finished reading Frankenstein.
    Pretty interesting in the philosophical and where nature calls all, but having pages upon pages describing the scenery in that special Old English that puts me to sleep is not good. Dx
    This is why we have modernized versions for those with half-brains and little attention span (me)

    Besides that, playing tomodachi life non-stop. xD
    I unlocked the gold room and galaxy room.
    And WOAH, that galaxy room!
    R.I.P me. I got completely sidetracked.

    tomorrow, because my sister is stealing the computer.
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