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  • Guess what, Guess what!!!!
    My daddy is getting me tomodachi Lifuuuuuuuu!!!!!
    So happy now. xD
    He was showing me the auctions and stuff.
    Lol, sorry for late reply~ updating my shop~~
    I bought so much today just to restock. o.o)
    I'll send you a link to my shop after it's fully up to date.

    Also, surprisingly enough, I'm good with actual kids.
    I babysit with my friends when the parents are having their daily gossip.
    It's hard to figure out what they want sometimes though, and it's really funny when you play games with them and they are trying to teach you how to "properly" play.
    If it wasn't a child, I'd go, you want some of this~~rawr!!
    And show them my prowers.
    Uhh, didn't think that far. I hate babysitting!!
    You know in the first harvest moons how you're baby never grew up....
    I couldn't stand the constant crying.
    And the thought that he/she would never grow up scarred me from continuing.
    Although, in the later harvest moons where they did grow up, my child grew rebelious.
    A child
    I guess your friend is a dietician?
    Or at least knows a bit about healthy eating I guess.
    But lol, you totally want a babeh~~
    xD it came in the form of a cutie puppy~
    Now I kind of want an animal crossing feature where the villagers can make lil baby animals cause I think that would be awesome.
    Awwww, that's a super cute name.
    I'm really bad at naming things since I was little...
    Just about any cute/fluffy thing I call Fluffy or Angel.
    (my stuffed dog is called Angel, and one of my friends is Angelica, who I call Angel)
    If you can't see the trend~ I really like the name even before I met her.
    I like it that her mom calls her by her whole name when she's angry at her.
    It's quite an earful actually.
    Angelica Espinoza Anderson <-------I use her last name on my youtube lol
    We are like, total bffs xD
    She was actually just my sister's friend that came to live with us.
    Wooo~~ crossposted on my own page, lol
    You know, this is the most smily faces I've seen you post ever.
    I can tell you're uber happy about this~~ xD
    Now I'm all hyped up to. v(^o^)v
    Btw, what is the meaning of her name/ what made you think of it?
    It sounds really unique. :')
    Also, so lucky~~ I can't have pets as my dad is allergic
    And a puppy is soooo cute!!!
    Urghhh. I hope you take a picture of it soon.
    I really want to see it.
    Hiyaaaaaaaaa Kitten.

    I guess your still workin' on that GFX Sig contest?
    (Your currrent activity tells me all)
    But I just saw your quiz results~ quite spot on.
    Surprisingly enough, the color quiz, which lasted like 30 seconds, was more accurate.
    Eww~ voodoooo is at work.

    Anyways~ How ya doin'~~?
    lol okay, sorry. i saw eleven and thought you meant years. just say two months or s/t so it's not as confusing. but yeah losing a pet is really hard, so hopefully this heals some wounds. you told me about your dog before, so i'm sorry about that. :c

    those are both nice names, but i think sayuri seems more fitting. but then i dunno actually! :>

    lol yeah i just wanted to get rid of the tan... but i just moved him into my old town for now and maybe i'll try cycling out for him in the future. i'll just get a cranky to replace him for now tho... *sobs quietly*

    but yeah! it looks really nice. makes me regret genji is my jock instead of bam, actually. LOL
    OK OK man i'm done crying over octavian. T__T *wipes manly tears from my face* i just posted that messaged really quickly when isabelle told me uGHH lol it could have been worse like it could have been renee. ;_;

    but aww! that's so cute. :* i'm happy you decided to adopt an older dog. i mean all animals need homes, but older ones tend to get shafted a lot. and that's a beautiful name too!!

    ahh!! yeah that's really beautiful lol. your entry! i really like it. oh, and the whole shabam thing is so nice and cute. LOL love the colors!
    ok u kno i'm never listening to things online ever again bc i just tried tting a tan out and octavian is in boxes. :v
    ok! i will do that. i'm trying to see how long tans last first bc like i said my mayor looks so sickly right now. oh! did you enter the signature contest thing? *judges by comments* OH!! and you got a dog too?! GURL kairi, u need to tell me these things.
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