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  • i haven't had mine yet but the day was v good regardless lolol i gotta wait until new years. btw is that a new OC in your avatar? :Oc
    Can't access my laptop due to problems and am also pretty sick so will come on now and again on my mom's desktop :3 Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and New Year <3 Will try to get access again post-haste^^
    STAR WARS OMG I need to play the games... I was so into the movies when I was younger and I'm a bit out of it now but after the movie I plan on trying out the video games and seeing what they're all about.
    are they good??
    and oh my god that's a huge bummer... graphics people like us do like playing in high res, after all. haha. I can kinda relate, since whenever I want to play FIFA on my core i5 laptop the game is noticably laggy almost all the time x_x

    ahhh I hope you still got to eat good food though! if you did end up having cake/pizza that already sounds like you had a good day, since that's a great food combination LMAO
    actually, now that I'm on the topic of pizza, what's your favorite? :-]
    huehue you're welcome!! 8)) I always wanted to draw your ookami-san but never had the chance lolol
    aww no cake tho?? get some soon!! it's vital
    Thank you for always being so kind, I hope you have a great one and many more :lemon:
    d'aw!! so glad to hear~ hope you had some type of cake or something similar!
    i love birthdays only cus..
    well CAKE
    hahahaa >: D
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