oh haha hello! that's funny because one of my good irl friends is actually named kameron :'D
(edit: omg, i just looked at your about and we're actually from the same location too. how funny is that!)
of course i'll help, you're not a bother at all. <3
Hey just letting you know I have to time travel day by day for a few days before I can get him into boxes! I'm down to about 7 villagers?? I think so I have to move in a few via cards before I can move him out. But he'll be in boxes soon!
It's alright no worries! My gate is open so come over whenever you're ready Once you adopt Wolfgang, I'll use a card to move Joey out so you can get him quickly too!
Oh no, it won't let me thru to your town either. I'm going to give you back the TBT and see if we can try again tomorrow. Sorry about that. Must be something wrong with my internet