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  • HI!!! oh my god i. am SO sorry about the delay. thank you so much for being so patient, ive kept you waiting a ridiculous amount of time ahggugh ;_;

    unfortunately my physical stuff is still terrible orz!!! im now in another physical therapy program thats been helping and i have medication too so im getting there! ive been kinda telling myself that "soon" ill be able to draw but it doesnt seem like im gonna be able to at this point in time and i dont want to keep you waiting any longer than i already have.

    ill send a refund over right away, and if you need any villagers i have amiibo cards of id be happy to help you get any!! i also have some items if youre interested, i just want to refund you with what you paid as well as any extra stuff you feel like you could use, because i kept you waiting for a huge amount of time.

    thank you for being so insanely patient, you are an angel. ;w; i really hope youve been doing good and im so sorry again! ;;
    Hi Kammm! I'm ready now!! cx Purchase the pikmin first then zipper sakura! Thank you so much again!!
    How’s your art drawings going? Do you plan on drawing more, or is two enough? I hope you enjoyed your new iPad.
    Congrats on your Love Ball! Did you know that I got a blue rose from someone else?

    We both got what we wanted.
    When the next AC game comes out, would you like to visit my town? I can help you when you need help.
    LOL that's true, and you're welcome! And that's awesome! I had the chance to go a few years ago, but was too chicken ;-; I've been here all my life, and haven't gone yet. Maybe one day!
    Oh cool! Thanks for the info! Very cute artwork indeed, it's very eye-catching.

    Omg lol, I'm seeing the previous messages and I mentioned Orlando then too xD How embarrassing! But still pretty cool. Sorry that you had to leave!
    Hi! I came across your signature and was wondering where/what it's from?
    (Also, we're city-mates that's cool lol)
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