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  • she just has a leopard tank top and a leopard skirt.
    and nothing else, i went to her/his town.

    thank you for offering your help :)
    I actually don't need any fruit and I don't think I neeed any furniture. I just want to see your town
    "Illegitimate ratings can be reported to the moderators and abuse of the feedback system may result in suspension."
    Well that really sucks, I guess you should be careful when talking or letting someone come to your town. If they have a negative rating then try to avoid them because that means they did something bad in the past that caused them a negative rating but it might also mean the thing that happened to you- it backfired and the accuser gave you a bad rating..
    I would be upset if someone accused me for something I didn't do but you should just ignore them and if they keep on telling lies or if they keep on harassing you then you should report them,that's what I think.
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