((and on a similar note, I have to say I'm glad southern schools seem to get out earlier, in mid-May, compared to the northern kids who get out in June LMAO))
idk how to feel about ushiwaka tbh. HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT HIM?? mr. japan
also YES. accurate. I demand more iwaizumi and oikawa childhood friendship flashbacks... please.. this is the content we all deserve!! hell, I don't even like oikawa but I can't imagine iwaizumi being such good friends *cough*bfs*cough* with anyone else
TELL ME ABOUT IT... fanservice is like the biggest thing that will elicit a groan and eyeroll from me lol
but ahh that's good, at least they did that. idk how ppl would be able to explain "face-rubbing" otherwise haha
SECRET SERVICE. OKAY. I'm 70% sold here.
once I check out the animation style I'll probably decide to watch it instantly depending if I like what I see!! :-o
I trust what you say about art style, since you have a great eye for it *wink wink nudge nudge*