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  • I believe people will buy them c: The community really loves art!

    On the other hand, my drawing has collected dust ^^; uni has started and I don't have much time now...
    Yes, I explained to her why it was. But she's still young, kana. She digested thousands of island hopping just to get me island rares and was looking forward to seeing me and giving them to me on weekend. </3
    And yes. I need island tours with you and my another friend, hopefully. If time difference doesn't get in my way.
    Hi kana. Late happy bday. I'm so sorry for go MIA on you. Something came up between my family and couldn't get on. Sad and tired tbh. CW had been waiting for me too and I ended up having her get upset at me. She doesn't talk to me.
    I'd like to give him to you but they've just sent me bells... D: I'm sorry Kana! I'll keep an eye out for him for you in my cycling town!
    I was TTing to get Whitney to get in boxes, but Rolf apparently decided to move while I was doing that.
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