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  • (When you're back online) Are you still able to take Wolfgang? I may have to void him fairly soon, though :c
    yes btb is forum bells~
    you can pm me if you decide to offer on Ankha
    thanks! :D
    Omg Chrissy gave me a throne for the petition I filled out XD thanks again for Celia!!!
    Hey so I just had another villager move in but Frita moves out tomorrow, can we do the trade tomorrow?? Sorry for the confusion someone offered me my #1 dreamie for free so I couldnt say no x)
    Okay let me know! I should be good around 7:30-11pm EST if you're done with classes then
    I just got back from vacation and can pick up Celia almost any time today! Just let me know!
    Hey just pinging you to see what's up with Celia! I'm free pretty much anytime this evening (EST) for the next 5 hours or so. If Celia's in boxes that's great! Otherwise it'll have to wait until after my vacation this wednesday
    Hey that's okay!! Let me know if she pings, if not I'm probably going to bed in about 20 mins (midnight EST) so if tonight doesnt work the same time tomorrow should be fine! Thanks again for the time and effort : )
    Hey I just got done with dinner and a movie, are you still free tonight to trade Celia? Let me know I'll be checking back every few minutes!
    I can do late tomorrow evening around 11pm EST too! We can do that if it's better for you :)
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