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  • long story short, i was abusing username changes. the mods made me pay for it (i have like -5000 TBT bells or something) and won't let me change it back. furthermore, someone paid off my entire debt for me but they reverted the transactions so i essentially have a large unpayable debt forever unless they want me to pull a ****post spree
    Omg I'm sorry, I haven't visited here in a month am sorry. Nah I don't really play anymore, and if anything I watched more than I played so I'm not super comfortable with the game lol. I was always sad that I never had another noob to play with, my bf has been playing it for years and I just hated being worse than him because I was new, it made me so impatient! Dota is the only moba I've ever played so it was a bit awkward for me since I was more used to MMOs. I still like the game, but I haven't played in a long time, I'm sorry. ;o;
    Karla the mods censored me and shut down my pro trump thread i think this is censorship and we should make a change.org petition
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