• Im not that sick anymore but both my ears are blocked >_< My cousin just came over so now im helping him with his homework. Have no clue how i understand a thing about his work because he is a year infrount of me... Oh well XD
    Alot of people like your sigs!! Witch is a good thing lol, I got some science homework but i just need to do one question so ill do it after i watch anime.
    I hate it when people do group stuff and one person takes all the credit =_=
    Hello ^o^ I just got home an hour later because I just picked up my new glasses!! Now I can finally see better! How was your day today?
    ah cool!! Never knew that if you hit it there it will go back to normal lol. Sorry i took a while to talk back my cousins just left XP
    OMG yay I got no homework!! Maybe I can continue watching anime but I doubt I will because my cousins are coming over.
    Yeah I always forget to do stuff like that. Oh well school today, I'll proberly get a lot of home work so no more anime :C
    At least I'm doing it unlike half of my class lol.
    haha! no bother at all D: but I do feel bad since the person might have to void chief! that's such a waste >D: cries! </3

    and same problem with drake.. >.> </3 drake y u no leave me ? !
    ah D: I wish I had my 3ds on me right now! I would've paid for you to achieve your dreamie for free and got someone else to hold chief for you! :c

    good luck on your search! i'll be on the big look-out <3
    oh no, she said she's voiding him in 20-30 minutes and she's really tired right now >D:

    What's worse is I don't have my 3ds right now (my mum confiscated it so i've been surfing the forum without doing any trades all day) >.> So I won't be able to pay her 2 mill bells. ;___; </3

    Maybe we can find someone to quickly hold him for you? D: and you'll have to be paying the bells since I don't have my 3ds on me :(
    Lol! In class some boys like anime but its just Dragon ball z and after a while it gets boring because they really dont know anything about it =_=
    Oh, I don't have room in my town right now D': The person currently still has chief and wants him out asap and I was hoping you would have room for him D': oh no dilemma! </3
    I wish at our school there was a group for anime/mange but, i dont think many people like it lol. And plus i would be way to shy to talk about anime to other people >~<
    Hello kitsune! soso glad your online. Hey was wondering if you had space in your town right now?!
    remember when I said I would help you find your last dreamie chief? well guess what :D I manged to bid 2 million for him and I won, do you have space to take him? >.<
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