• Oh yeah that is interseting, because our semester ends like in December when its Christmas. I start in August prob end in December. Also thanks for the support, a lot of people are making sigs and its interesting! I actually had no time to do them, but try to fit them in. Been buys planning new goals and been relaxing. Hadn't had time a week ago since finals. Trying to learn the following that I pmed you about. Cs5 is killing me, starting to think i want cs6 LOL. But yeah. It is fun and I think itll be useful in the future.
    Oh wow things are really different there. I thought you would have summer classes so would have finals near august or July? I guess schooling is a bit different? Well work is always tough and I am currently taking a break. Thinking of finding a summer job so meanwhile I hope you study hard and ace everything. I haven't had much time online, been out a lot... but will try to focus more time to myself this summer. Got so much goals to achieve T.T already June 2nd... zzzz ganna be December by the time I open my eyes again. Btw I do have 1-2 questions for you! Will pm you!
    Oh hey! How did the projet go?!?! Finals coming soon?~ You should come back and visit! Hopefully you will be free now! Summer coming! :O You should keep me posted though coz I know you had it tough for the newer classes this semester if thats what they call it? But work hard and KEEP DRAWING TOO!
    Hey! I apologize for leaving for such a long time. Last year was not a good year for me ;; Anyways, I haven't forgotten that I still owe you 700k for that drawing you made for me a long while back. Please let me know when I can get it for you, or if you want something else in return :)
    Oh, sorry about that. Is 150 alright? I'll add a couple of baskets of perfect peaches if you'd like
    Yeah, I got her out, but I completely forgot to VM you! I'm eating now, I'll be done in 10 minutes I'm so sorry I forgot!
    I'll be ready in probably 10 minutes, I'm having someone pick up a villager so I'll have room, I'll post on here as soon as I am through!!
    oMFG XDDDD sycamore is as tall as a sycamore tree jfc

    oh yeah guess whattttt i got a gr8 mark for my research project aw yisss
    now i have to see what i got for my exams ;3;

    ive been smoking these dank ass French cookies my mum bought from the market. soo yummy *^*

    nig dont worry, i'll try keep your threads on top whilst you do your assessments in 2wks ~
    Holy **** im confused nvm srry nig

    Im so high but I just said inhale my dong enragement cuz your May birthstone was not purchased on May 11XD
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