Ragdoll Dec 5, 2014 I made a mistake about the mirage spots, I just streetpassed 30 ppl yesterday and I recieved new mirage spots and they're permanent...
I made a mistake about the mirage spots, I just streetpassed 30 ppl yesterday and I recieved new mirage spots and they're permanent...
kazyrock Dec 4, 2014 Another dreamie of mine (merengue) has moved in and is staying, and deli is gone. how much do I pay you to update my sig?
Another dreamie of mine (merengue) has moved in and is staying, and deli is gone. how much do I pay you to update my sig?
J J Jarrad Dec 2, 2014 Oops, I literally didn't see that at all! I'm so sorry LOL, forgive me! & you're welcome :>
J J Jarrad Dec 2, 2014 Wow, not even a thank you... I feel like a fool for giving you that free collectable.
unintentional Dec 2, 2014 do you know how to send them by mobile? its almost 1 am here so i dont think the computer is an actual choice haha
do you know how to send them by mobile? its almost 1 am here so i dont think the computer is an actual choice haha
Ragdoll Nov 26, 2014 Maigod nig I dont think I can make it by 5pm >< I will see if I can get on my 3DS by 6-7pm .. im rlly sorry chaingga
Maigod nig I dont think I can make it by 5pm >< I will see if I can get on my 3DS by 6-7pm .. im rlly sorry chaingga