• errrr so basically your Maths tuition makes your Maths class easier? .-. and extra practice of course..
    lol my school is about 80percent Asian, but they say they take 'about 20percent of each race' and that includes white, spanish, asian, black, and other...... like uhmmm wtf no you dont -__-
    Lmao make sure you say Chinger like 'Chai-nger' and I guarantee you they'll say some sh!t like 'dis no Chainger, Chainger downstair, u col wrong numba, bai' XD

    URGHHH does your Maths tuition make a difference though? Is it different than the stuff you are learning in class?? Do you eventually learn the same lesson in your class or does your Maths tuition go a different path???? (Sorry for so many questions...... >~<) I wish I took that earlier D:
    Maths ... tuition...... hey now that I think of it, if im planning to take Financing in college, should I have taken an advanced Math class/Maths tuition? Because my schools already kinda advanced so they dont provide that...... idk I feel like my Maths classes in my school arent enough
    Dafuq y r dey so racist >_> in New York, they wouldnt even suspect Asians XD this one store was selling daggers disguised as canes and fans but no one suspected them.... black people and Hispanics are more likely to be interrogated by NY police..... XD

    The shop is owned by Chinese people of course >~> lol Chinese hw help is actually helpful tbh, its not that bad ... not that I need it or anything XD omg speaking of which, im getting my report card on Wednesday O.O if I get a B for any of my subjects...... .. .
    LOL its just a box???? No weed inside so they have no proof xP
    I was walking in the neighborhood of my people and I saw the box in a store called... fu hao shop or something (i know o_o) I had trouble reading XD
    Funeral for chickens, R.I.P chickens xD
    Ahh i see~
    At first i also had the problem with my eyes but then it got worse because all i do all day is look at a screen >_>
    omfg what the hell man!??!?!?! ummm alright then, that man was kinda rude.....

    UUUGGGGHHHHH i wish I was lucky when I did tests and stuff.....
    ughhh im so over school right now, only 2 more weeks and then I get a break //diessss//
    So how did it go, what did they say about your eyes?
    oh my... i'm so sorry... >__<
    i hope you feel better soon..!
    atleast KHR is there to make it better ♥︎
    yea most likely youve been looking on electronic devices D: thats one of the symptoms ive read for astigmatism as well. REM is when your eye involuntarily shakes (up&down or side to side, or all around) and makes it look like your surroundings are shaking from an earthquake, but its supposed to happen only when you are sleeping.. i know because i have a minor case of nystagmus >< idk if this is part of astigmatism, but sometimes i see tiny dot lights fumbling around (only for 1-2 seconds of focusing, then its all gone 0-0)... another refractive error?? my eyes are so bad >~<

    about April fools... im not entirely sure, but you can try! i rlly think it counts if the villager you are aiming for is inside his/her house. are you talking about Blanca's first imitation or her next one?
    theres such thing as minor astigmatism >< do you see any 'flickering' of lights in your peripheral vision?
    yes, yes dont be like me and think its nothing at all when actually... >~<
    I hope its nothing serious ^-^;;
    sorry for not talking all that much....my other friends from tumblr dragged me into a game and it just kept on going and going....
    awwwwwwh D:
    *sprinkles magical sickness proof dust over you*
    there we go! u v u *satisfied*
    Loool ppl were being extra nice to me so I can give them my movie tickets XD well the tests come from the Board of Education/Administration so whatever they give to other schools (including the bad ones), they also give to my school but my school is pretty advanced so the test was kinda easy.. but that means competition XD
    i hate going to the optometrist....have fun.....
    OMFG GOOD JOB!!!! AWWW ME YOU AND AWESOME HAVE ALL GOTTEN GREAT GRADES!! well idk if you cont mine as great, failing maths and then doing a test and getting 100% BUT THAT DOSENT MATTER AT ALL!! GGGGOOOOOOODDDDD JJJJOOOOOBBBBBB~~~~~~
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