yea most likely youve been looking on electronic devices D: thats one of the symptoms ive read for astigmatism as well. REM is when your eye involuntarily shakes (up&down or side to side, or all around) and makes it look like your surroundings are shaking from an earthquake, but its supposed to happen only when you are sleeping.. i know because i have a minor case of nystagmus >< idk if this is part of astigmatism, but sometimes i see tiny dot lights fumbling around (only for 1-2 seconds of focusing, then its all gone 0-0)... another refractive error?? my eyes are so bad >~<
about April fools... im not entirely sure, but you can try! i rlly think it counts if the villager you are aiming for is inside his/her house. are you talking about Blanca's first imitation or her next one?