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  • haha i like replacing things like that seapunk **** if you know what I mean...
    I couldnt tell if you wrote like you were a 12yo white girl who loves bieber on twitter as normal or i it was a joke/a continuation of our trashy way of talking in game...but now I guess I know...not that i figured a girl in college actualy talked like that, but hey, im a ditz.
    I could be wrong, it'd make sense that that WOULD work. Maybe I did it wrong, meh I'll try again, I just want to get villagers out.
    although i dont think i waited till after 6Am I would just start a new character at like 5:56 and they be in town by like 5:58 and I thought itd start the new day thing at 6:00 but it didnt it just kept going...
    really? but I'm saying I've TTd to 5:55 AM before and I think theres already been a plot set up..
    Question: I've tried to TT to the next day without risking a villager moving in already by TTing to before 6Am the next day like today is 4/24 7PM, I'd go to 4/25 5:55AM because the "new day" doesn't start till 6AM.. This was suggested to me by several people online, but it doesnt work it still counts as the next day..and there would be a house plot I couldn't reset out of because I had to time change with a character which saves it.
    So if I TT'd to today at 11:55 PM and waited until it was 12:00 AM it'd be the 25th and I think there still wouldnt be a villager trying to move in, so at THAT point, could I TT to 5:55 AM? and then do the reset trick with a new character?... or would that still not work?
    do you have 9 villagers? cuz like if I randomly got bubbles to move out tomorrow would you be ready 4 herrr?
    haha, fine by me, you mean if theyare in boxes youll make me baby**** them?
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