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  • yea or like any sheep card tbh i dont think i have them. meh.

    yeah hope the new update will make PC more fun it's been repeating lately and that flower thing was just wtf
    yes floofballs <3 wish i had the cards of stella and cashmere too uwu

    yeah why did they name her that like.. it's a kid game. also i hate that they changed santos to o'hare.. like he's obviously from brazil or whatever not ireland lol
    yeah and totally gonna move in etoile as well she's such a cute bb sheep. damn i need more sheep, wendy and curlosssssss <3

    yeah man. i'm in no way done with my new town but yeah mostly slapping pwp's in spaces i don't want villagers haha
    aw man you should. also trying to get like the sanrio items for my house takes ages lel. got hello kitty stuff from a fren though and did my melody earlier so currently on the kiki&lala things.. doing fairy tale for my home so yeee
    i don't like the one that sounds like some casablanca 40s movie music one it's so annoying but yeah i always keep sounds off unless i do have to fish.
    ore is alright though but yeah easy medals :p I hate the fishing ones though bc you need to have sounds on and i really hate most of the new leaf music since it just throws my concentration off and sound horrible.. except for the actual kk slider music tracks, those are well made.
    yeah and i kinda hate hide and seek too bc all the damn trees

    and yeah fossil and scavenge is freaking impossibruh
    i prefer garderning or tuna kahuna or just the random bug ones bc those actually spawn at once and you don't have to wait half of the time D:

    need some cabana items but yeah gg getting 40 medals on the fail tours

    also damn you islands having the stuff i need but only crappy diving or labyrinth tours you almost always fail
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