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  • ye especially with pokemon go and all that crap ye i wouldn't go there alone at dark

    and yeee i feel you but ye probably for reasons
    ye i think you can do that at the lake here cause it's not really hidden or closed around but ye i probably wouldn't do with all the shady peeps around.

    up north where my cousins live (well some of em) there is this really nice lake where you can go like anytime cause it's in the forest but open and unless people are there you can swim naked p much
    ayy sweet <3 ye idek maybe i will go swim today if there ain't too many kiddos there gunna be hot as **** here it seems, checked weather earlier sooooo ye maybe i can get grandma with me so she can watch my stuff
    ye if i had the gems i'd do that man so many noice skins but yeah idfk how they even do that selection of skins like 2-3 were nice this time >>
    yea same :( and most are the same when it comes to lighting festa anyways.. and yeah i remember arcane and plague last year bruh >>
    ye i'm alright though no hangover or stuff though but ye it's not even 10 am here wtf lol.

    sweet though <3
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