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  • aye noice enough then =D

    also slow mother turt like she's been all day lets go out trololo now she's like omg lets clean the house then go u wut amiga
    ohh i see, well do it if you can afford it idek ?^^

    and ye i checked a site for the binary data for all the files names and they seem the same so eh?
    yeah idek you could also "brew" the stuff i guess too even though i don't think you should but ye nintendo is really stupid.. like why cant you back-transfer like maaaan :/ also i can always give the 3ds i have now to my bf's brother or something his is broke so unless i can sell it

    capture card?
    also taking they haven't changed the binary and/or system files it should work.. i assume cause that's really the merda i want aside from my nnid but that's easy to link and unlink you can do it manually on the console i think
    also ye i found some map transfer guide you can do it so gunna try even if waste of quiche cus bruh i want dat old console man
    yeah i mean i really only want the SP data and my games there cause i dont wanna buy all the stuff again and rubbish but ye i guess i will try doing that or i will be stuck with two.. que merda =P
    ye me too cause i progressed like really far and stuff and i kinda want to downgrade for reasons bruh

    i mean im gonna copy the data over to my laptop to see if i can just mope it over if i buy a new but really nintendo ur asshats
    i can try i mean i mostly want my streetpass data over cause i progressed quite a lot there other stuff idc
    well i googled around a bit and idek if you can just like copy stuff over on the computer and then like do it back but eh idek the fe:a is not too expensive but really nintendo.. tu és idiota...
    It's worth noting that, while you can copy 3DS/3DS XL data to the new handheld, you can't transfer it in the opposite direction.

    found on some blog, idek...
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