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  • yasss.. i should color too but some of those patterns are fine lined asf x))

    yeah me too even if im gunna be away ah good food and booze i guess :p
    <3 yea it's going down i just jav to rub alcohol on it so it doesn't poof too much :3

    ugh i totes feel you ;; hope you feel better bb
    Its fun to mingle with friends that like you. On hot summer nights my kind like to go deep in the jungle to sing & dance together and eat roasted berries. Somtimes I would burn mine but that is the best part! I'm glad you were able to enjoy the party a little and see your friends
    Aww, you're too sweet. I feel the same way when I know wheres work to be done and I gotta go out and do it. I hate to leave the burden on someone else.
    Aw shizznit, a good rest for a week should do the trick. But I ain't yo momma so I shouldn't tell ya what to do lol. Btw I changed my user title lmao!
    sucks even moar mangoes :( also i kinda want new leaf but moneys mangoes ://

    ya it should dry so i can get **** out but it's a bit awk esp. if someone wanna woohoo
    yeah some ingrown fat thing so it's not hair thank god :c

    omg, hope you get better :( *hugs* hope you can cope.
    hope you are better snot sucks so much. currently dealing with some ingrown **** in my clam so i have to dry it out like twice a day lol :/
    had early school today ugh but film was good and we got to quit early so das all good meow.. so cold here now though :( anyways XMAS HOLIDAYSSSS YASSS
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