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  • yeah might go to that shopping mall that take like 957435 hours to go to and hope they jav it lol.

    yeah i had like instant ramen lel cause i had to get yoghurt as well.
    ya it's awesome you've been together that long :eek: hope you can, ill probably like jav lunch and watch a movie now or something, super bummed they never stocked that game here ech
    yeah i hate how it evolved though :/

    ugh that sucks mango. i might go into town or something later anyways cause im bored :(
    yeah it's heavy af with the best resolution so i usually turned it down to med/high because it was p much the same, be it stuff looked a bit like old runescape but really.
    yeah it's way better on pc because then you can actually fix the game with console commands which you p much need to at some places because they are effed.
    i feel ya i have those games too XD Skyrim is fun though but since I have all achievements and p much did the whole game twice because of a glitch with daedric artifacts shizz i'm a bit tired of it meow.
    omg aww havent seen that in ages.

    sounds like a good plan. I wanted to get this LE of a game but those suckers never took it to the store closest to me and not traveling across stockholm for it then i can be without.
    yeah i do take moms body butter and im kinda tempted to cause i got this really bad headache now for no reason :[
    yeah it's not 50 pages like last time at least ..

    aaah hope you can get home meow it's so cold here too
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