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  • ugh i hate burping acid ****, especially when i eat strawberries :[ and that's sweet nibs though. also idk what to do today i kinda want to go to the cinema at school but idk i need to save :[
    yea them costs ugh. i could probably clean out more but gotta hate selling familiars D:

    ya.. good luck ^_^

    also got a notebook and a game for ps vita while at the shopping mall and mtn dew and chewing gum back here :3
    ya sounds like a good idea imo :3 i should probably try and sell more as well since im poor af now lol :/ but 550k for a lair upgrade ugh **** i'd need like 1k gems to trade in for treas lol
    now i mostly bred for plaguemomma cause dom but yeah i hate when i get like 4 ugly dergs ugh nty.

    i hardly sell unless it's like really good ones
    yass. i prefer long dresses i hate tights/leggings lel sorry. stockings are alright if its cold imo.

    wanna get moar purple dergs but im poor asf D:
    omg that hat is so cool i kinda want meow <3

    also purple dergs ftw

    i might head into mall/town to see if they jav moar dresses :'P
    thanks <33 and yes the hairdresser cut it so well, now it's more even.. and fluffy :'D

    yass hope they arrive. i need more turtdresses. that orange i have in the pic goes below my knees sorta
    yess just need to wake up or im gonna scare the hell out of everyone <3

    yeah i think my period is off so i can put that dress on that wanna blood it all over cause im probs having it for xmas and its kinda heavy but so pwetty <3
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