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  • ya four days though cause i dont have the boon. well not gunna buy it for gems anyways XD

    mm yeah drunk
    fae can be cute af with the right genes and accents. tundras i prefer male cause they have some sort of pose to it :D

    i have .. two i think.. Antonio and Pris.

    and yea they are hard to find so i was lucky. Antonio I changed breed on though cause i don't want a crapton of guardians
    and yea idk so much about peeps. i never go much to their forums anyways xD' derp so i could more or less join whatever..
    todays bebs were ugly so i exalted them.. hell i needed the quiche as well so xD

    ya i think 4 days or so then i can switch.. apparently you can when having eggs in the nest lol totally forgot. and yea i know :D shadow is cool too but red eyes are sweet nibs <3
    yeah that imp/zodiac ish thing was good too.. silk were alright but the texture looked weird lol.

    oh ya.. checked some out hnnng they should pick good this time i hope indeeds
    yeah like really purple diamonds.. only one i really liked was that female imp alchemy one.. have it on my Ginga. the male pc was alright as well but most were just.. yeah get cause rarity.
    i kinda want plague because im into ero guro stuff </3

    yeah ice is cool as well but yeah rot dergs ftw!
    aww thats so cute <3

    ugh i kinda want to switch to plague because their eyes are so good.. red goes with everything p much.
    yea i dont think i could smoke reg stuff either cause my lungs and throat are bad so yea weed it is as for actually smoking shizz :3

    ah thats good turts though <3
    ah.. talking about trucks there were one down the stores area here doing weird shizz haha

    also nah if i'd smoke stuff it'd be weed not regular shizz mango <3
    <3 yeah i should start smoke lel

    oh god those. oh well better than these leaf blower things they use here those are just so ugh and it gives you headache
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