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  • Uploader is alright, I just mean the 150 x 100 looks bad to be honest 120 x 100 is the max size without it getting too wtf :/

    i need to jav moar coffeeee >.>
    yep i think i did an alright resize i hate the avatar limitations here :c

    haven't seen it but 2 was just weird but I kinda like his sense of humor so xD and it had ninja turts
    hai and send it wherever <3 and ill add yer skype later cause i just got home :)

    freaky film ayymango. Saw Ted 2 in cinema today god I laughed my **** off XDD

    i hate expanding like 100-ishk for my next nuh
    good or you'll need to jav punishment <3

    i'll add you later or tomorrow though since im going in a few hopefully and my internet is being eaten by turts it seems :[
    you jav? noice

    also i use my real name there, don't ever call me that or reveal it if i'm gonna add you though.
    yeah bugs and spider can go suck did :[

    also i saw this really cute leopard tort on the telly today, it was a male i think -w-
    yes exactly or make free flights :[

    lol ugh so i just vacuum cleaned the apartment cause we got spiders ff
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