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  • i need to do that on tsukiyama once she gets to 25 lel her stats are messed up

    also gotta find a rainbow psychedelic dreg :3
    frick it's alright i noticed it xDD

    get some booze or painkillers but yah grinding coli as well getting crap kek
    is alright we had some poor potatoes so wynaut

    jav a blast.. also no luck grinding them stones better get treasure and buy em :(
    or just hand em over jk i jav two 25's already

    those stones though come to turt queen stupid food drops lol
    ikr FR is so addicting but i always jav steam up whenever im on the can so i sometimes check lol and i've been doing some terraria as well.. good stuff has tortoises :3
    daaaaamn bro. i wish it could rain here it's only bearable to be out at the nighttime because it's not 100's lol ;/
    ya he was soo good damn i wanna jav yesterday all over again

    aw turt :[ hope it's not too harsh :/

    also this heatwave go frack off for reals but they said next week be cooler so always something
    yaa that was a rad show. he played some old john lennon, doors, who and jimi hendrix stuff as well i died when he did foxey lady and my generation hhhhh
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