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  • yeah mine is some samurai woman haha i love it though.

    also mom wants to go away for midsummer's.. that holiday can suck my diddles tbh but idk it's not that anyone is home either but she wants to be there for so long ugh
    yeah i'm like yea say yur **** and we can see each other or something.

    also found your gaia <3 lovely avatar man
    also i can text back pretty fast if i feel like it but i hate talking on the phone for hours it's like.. yaa. mhmmh,, seeya on thursday. bye while most people can be talkative as hell.
    that too i have my phone because yeah i call and text people sometimes that's it.

    more of a computer/gamer myself so yes
    yeaaah she will. jfc indeed like i cant run like a pro to the living room dude or i would trip bad lol
    i feeeeel ya mate.

    also smh mm just called me and since i had my phone charging i had to get there to answer but of course she hung up the minute i was gonna answer like smh dude.
    wait what she can take money from you that sucks :[

    yeah i should get sometime this week i hope soon enough cause i need it. especially if im gonna go by train in a few week so expensive
    ha yeah. i have the nice chunka stuff on Gaia and some things on neopets it's not like they check each other or people are dumb telling it to staff.. hopefully kek

    also i hope i get munnies this week.
    Lel the same. best of luck with kitty i will probs be on all day so :3

    exactly it's not like that they check tbt they are pretty.. isolated lol
    she posted in her threads the amount she'd take so yeah we just need to make sure she does threeway trades or something. if you have 4k btb that's make us 27k then we could try ask her if she'd take the rest amount in gems.
    yeah or if you and I send the btb and you send her FR directly..could work either way.

    ahh yeah the mid-100s were quite annoying and there are two heroes who are fricking expensive to upgrade.. Midas and Amonthep
    Also level 172 in CH. Damn dude I think the 155-160 bosses were the hardest.. 170 was really easy but idk I think I still need more golden heroes.
    yaaa how much btb do you have? I think we should ask her if she accept 3rd way trades cause you're the FR turt princess.
    gl my fav turt
    she said she could reserve on for me IF I could get that amount and/or FR currency so ugh djfhsdfjh fweep.
    dunno how much each is worth but you traded with biggkitty so you should know.

    also ugh i need to clean up the place mom is so lazy smh
    damn hahah that was one awesome dream, i wish i could move to you tbh :// this place can suck my schlong

    also vertigo sucks hope ya feel better hun
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