mine is.. bad. well mom is alright but she is overprotective af and is like.. whenever i buy like that skirt she is like OMG YOU BOUGHT THAT SHIRT GOOO.. no.
hahah yea and we still jav fun times though so i shalt not complain.. not really but yeah i need to fix **** up and get outta dis place before i get serious with anyone. my family is messed up dude :[
also **** i forgot you jav to make like 45 system restores on the vita smh
i can be quite shy and tbh as long as i live with my family i aint bringing boys home lol :[
haha yea we were in the same grade from 6th to 9th and then we were together for some time .. i kinda miss it because we javed a blast but tbh he can be a bit weird.
yeah it can be fun but tbh most friends i jav is mostly about gaming and while I like Neptunia and jap games only my busy friends likes them and their parents are busy af so we meet like once a month or even less so it's like.. hi anything new lol
yeah im gonna miss my vita but tbh i probably wont get that LE of ReBirth 3 because of the price and the shipping dude i dont trust postal offices here