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  • i did because.. well i couldn't for life beat 145 or what it was even if i got gilded heroes and gold so yah bruh.

    also some creeper sent some love letter to our address mango idk if it's for my mom or it went to the wrong place

    it was cheesy af though
    So.. lol I asked mom which kind of dress for her jewellery she wanted

    she was link.. oh no it's too expensive for you

    uh well technically it is.. i was what do you want instead since you insist on a gift..

    she: ... idk *reads magazine*
    i like them cause underwater breathings you dont need the speshul helmet for it

    also lol just found a floating toilet pool thing on dollskill mangoes.
    damn broturt.

    i had a khaajit but it glitched on some achievement so my last one was that lizard things. i've had a dark elf and orc as well.
    yah i wont touch it for a while now though.

    ugh i hate when that happens. i jav back/forward buttons on my mouse which kinda sucks... i always click them by "accident" >>
    i meant rubies mango. but yeah they earn gold for you offline as well so dat cool.

    god i need more click damage **** cid being expensive upgrades.
    Yeah. Also I should go get mom that combined b-day/mothers day thing but im feeling worn out af right now meow.

    also got em gilded heroes now to save up again mangoes.
    ikr, mango machines.

    also i probs wont get that suede jacket unless it's like.. 80% off like jfc 150 bucks for that. That dress.. well it was brand and it was fab so no regrets but tbh that jacket.. there are prob cheaper man.
    Yay, finished my 3rd and longest necklace so now I'm classy hippie turt :D

    Also need them rubies coming I need gilded heroes m8
    aye mangoes got ma beads so gonna make some kush beads yaaas.

    also had to resist not buying this rly cute handbag on sale ayemango
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