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  • yeaah x)

    also must say i love your glasses on your steam pic ayy <3

    also about online i found this store named hippie shop jfc i want it
    yeah i wanna use GAME because they are better but they dont take in all games for some reason so eh.

    nice nice. i had wild world for ds way back. it sucked cause i could never go online lol

    also i will probably turn that vita n games in whenever think i jav to go to gamestop though since game doesnt take in certain games
    sho kyute i wanna take home (Rena voice)

    also jfc the level 140 boss ... octopus leg i hate him so much daaaamn
    yeah and those noodles with some asian kid it's like jfc people get a life.

    lol that botan baby was kinda kyute lol

    awwwyis cant wait <333
    yeah he thought it was too stereotype but idk people have been lots of offensive here.

    fun thing we have this rice called uncle ben with like an 1800s rich black man on it and noone complains mango

    yeah people just do it for attention but jfc chill pill doods
    yeah there is candy here literally called China (Kina (shee-nah) in swedish) and there used to be this pic of a cartoon chinese guy but some nitwick like sued the company so now it's just a tricorn hat lol
    yeah they p much need to be atheist about ads here or people will get offensive as hell and sue everyone and their mom lol
    lmango of the day

    but yeah i can imagine.

    only "religious" thing we have here is two nuns testing gasoline for some cards and they are kinda shown in a mockery way
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