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  • Yeah they are overrated though and people keep making joke because I'm from Sweden about it so, lol.

    Get a band-aid or some tape on it broturt
    Tell me about it. Studying at uni makes your handwriting a mess xD

    I'm pretty...random and passionate about stuff lol.. and yeah I have an easier time writing essays or stuff to customer services rather than trying to be personal mango.

    Anyho, once I get my living situation to the better we maybe could start pen-pal turts or something. rn my dad is a douche so he doesn't need more sh* to his box lol
    nope it wasn't xD and not going through all the kaydees from the Philippines lol

    i have a link to my id though in my about me tab here
    Yeah I got like 300q or whatever but wasted it at once need more click dmg lol

    oh you have steam too? nice
    i just got ascend thing and idk either if it's worth mango. glad they had it on steam so i can save properly.
    I love whisky and those reaaally high alcohols you get in small glasses but I can't drink vodka and gin too good then I get diarrhea lol
    yeah as long as i dont eat fried potato or that kinda food and have water afterwards im alright.

    yeah i sleep good too had two 7.2% beer and a whisky last night felt good broturt
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