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  • yeah same i have a team so

    also what the **** they removed worldwide option on youtube fine i'll just set it to portugal :/
    yeah probs not gonna use it but yeah seems a bit cheat .. on the other hand i understand cause that grinding is so tedious ugh
    cheat? yeah idek i just grind randomly where there are arcane and neutral i guess? glad i have discount at least
    yeah idek i checked the guide says those crystal pools and some early stage but yeah rng hates me with chests tbh

    also gotta love MP always sold out and only like 2-3 skins in stock haha
    damn i have the fam but i need so many of those cloaks man and the vista ofc. brewing that witch skin atm and managed to grab few from the MP glad i have discount but m8 gonna grind my tush for that currency i only had like 20 leftovers from last time
    Why wouldn't it be allowed? :confused: Please tell me, because I don't want to do anything against rules.
    But I am not encouraging it, not asking for it, no nothing. Simply want to know other people's opinions and experiences with editings. Is that really not allowed?
    yeah i bought that charlatan bear fam apparently i never had it from notn lol or whatever event it was from
    yeah i have like 370k lmao spent so much much **** on other skins and dergs.

    good thing i'm in arcane now tho
    aww <3 yeah sadly his texts doesn't really work and **** so we can only call oh well.. :3 and i see lel ^^

    also damn starfall celebration tomorrow better be some nice skins n stuff *hits fr staff*
    aw he's not a boy toy, he's really nice ^^ and yeah i'm really tempted.. will probs call him tonite cause i miss him like mad bro...

    omg yeah but not surprised some **** like that can cause mood swings like hell.. also yeah talking about phones i found this really cute phone holder on amiami but i have no dolares fudgecakes.
    yeah should just have relisted mine lol im so impatient ahah...

    yeah i never like get eggs bc my scavenging is so high but yyeah >>
    yeah i should try pricing my random festival skins and accents i never use so yeahhh i feel you or when eggs never sell ugh
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