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  • kazaf - Order ready
    Mama polar bear 1800
    Ogre wig 1200
    Papa bear 2200
    Papa panda 1920
    Raccoon figurine 2000
    Red-tasseled lantern 2400
    Ribbon umbrella 320
    Seven lamp 7000
    Simple armchair 1800
    Simple love seat 2052
    Sink 1960
    Six lamp 6000
    Smoker 3000
    Snake plant 1200
    Snow globe 1200
    Space captain’s seat 3680
    Space console 3000
    Space shuttle 2780
    Space station 2800
    Spherical radar 3000
    Stepladder 1200
    Stone wall 800
    Stripe bathroom sink 2020
    Stipe bed 2020
    Stripe chair 2020
    Stripe closet 2020 = 61,792 + fee = 70,000 (26)
    Ok, now I will order the orge wig and your order will be ready after I return from work this morning. I will be back to check in about 5 hours from this post.
    Order is ready all except that orge mask. Did not order anything for it since blue and red orge masks are non-orderables. Did you want the orge's wig for 1200?
    Ogre mask 1600 There is a blue or red mask and it is non-orderable, did you mean orge's wig 1200?
    okay! I accidentally went to the wrong town that wasn't yours and I got so confused LOL I was like "here's the bells" and the person responded "what bells?"
    ahh I responded to your message but I think it's easier to VM! if possible, can we do it in your town for my badge? i think I have you added already haha so just tell me when it's open!
    kazaf - Order ready
    Compass 1280
    Manhole cover 1000
    Manor wall 1052
    Maple umbrella 320
    Modern wood chest 1480
    Modern wood closet 1600
    Modern wood lamp 1680
    Modern wood stool 1480
    Modern wood table 1980
    Modern wood wall 1480
    Moon 32000
    Nine lamp 9000
    Old brick wall 1200
    Orange cone 600
    Palace wall 2000
    Phonograph 1840
    Pickle jar 800
    Plank flooring 800
    Polka dot chair 2400
    Polka dot clock 2400
    Polka dot lamp 2400
    Polka dot table 2400
    Round carpet 1080
    Round clock 960
    Satellite 2600
    Sconce 1600 = 77,432 + fee = 80,000
    I should be online in about 5 hours from this post and then later again in the evening.
    I'm having issues work my phone so I'm restarting it but if you open your gates I'll visit. If you'd rather visit me hopefully I'll get
    That would be great. Would you like some tbt for your trouble? My fc is on my profile and in my sidebar. I'll look for yours real quick.
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