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  • I blame Nintendo for being so confusing with the items in this new update xD
    On MoriDB, it says you can only get the wallpaer and flooring from Resetti's RV, but it looks like the same wallpaper from Halloween ; o ;
    I think they are the same too! Thank you for your input~! <3 Just had to get a second opinion X3

    I need to TT once more, and I'll have 15 coupons :D
    Hi again! Sorry to bother you X3 but do you know if Resetti's "old wallpaper" and "old flooring" are the same items you get during the Halloween Event (when you refuse a villager candy)? It's so confusing, because some of the new RV items have the same names as the older items, lol.
    Turns out I only needed 2 visits xD
    But, keep the extra TBT! <3 We can call it a tip, lol.

    I'll VM you again later whenever I gather 15 more coupons :-D
    Yes, we can do the other visits later :D Thank you for understanding xD
    I'm TTing now so I can get 10 coupons quicker; I only had 5 when I booted up the game TTvTT
    Hi~ I need to boot up my game and add your FC :)
    I'll make my way over in a few! :) I hope I have at least 15 coupons xD
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