Did you void Marshal yet? I WILL get room! Just tell everyone if I have like 1 hour left, or 2, or whatever and I will play like a maniac!! I tt under 10 minutes, so ot's quick!
Actually, yes , I've been very busy. The only reason I've been posting on the forums is because I snag QUICK little breaks now and then. I'll find somebody to hold him. Thanks though.
Great! Added you already. I have to add her to my cycle town for now since the villager I want out isn't moving yet. Mayor is named awecool and Town is named awesome. Don't mind the name, haha, it's a rented town
No, I think I'm on my second day of TTing. It's a long process because I have to water all my breeding flowers, find my dreamies and talk to them, see what they're selling on the main street shops, paying my home loan, paying PWP's, hitting Quillson and Coach with my net, and giving Shrunk fruit for emotions. Time travel again, and repeat.