Rabirin Apr 9, 2016 Omg.... CX he makes a cute girl though, you can't lie. Tysm though!!! i'm free to get him now if you are.
Omg.... CX he makes a cute girl though, you can't lie. Tysm though!!! i'm free to get him now if you are.
OverRatedcx Apr 9, 2016 No, don't be sorry! I am :c I completely forgot to tell you, I've already found Bam >.> I'm really sorry I didn't tell you
No, don't be sorry! I am :c I completely forgot to tell you, I've already found Bam >.> I'm really sorry I didn't tell you
SoraDeathEater Apr 9, 2016 ^-^ thanks, and if in case I can't get him v.v it's fine to give him away or void him ;-;
SoraDeathEater Apr 9, 2016 I might not even have space when he pings to mov we ;-; no one wants to leave expect my dreamies
FanGirlCookie Apr 7, 2016 Oh right, Sprinkle... I don't know, she's nice and all but I'm happy with my current town and if I'm to remove a villagers my signature would be messed up.. So, I guess I'm gonna have to pass. thanks for asking though c;
Oh right, Sprinkle... I don't know, she's nice and all but I'm happy with my current town and if I'm to remove a villagers my signature would be messed up.. So, I guess I'm gonna have to pass. thanks for asking though c;
radioloves Apr 7, 2016 Okay, i'll split pay my bells? half and half for both of you lol um want me to come over now?