King Dorado

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  • Oh man, that sounds fun but also rough! Is that near where you live? I used to live near a mountain in Korea and I'd hike it every day with my mom. I miss that :( your experience reminds me, the first serious mountain I climbed was in Indonesia and they told me to expect it to be really cold at the top. I thought a fleece and windbreaker would be enough but I ended up needing to spoon with my tent mate to keep warm lol! It's crazy how cold the temperatures get near the top.
    If you go to the obvious tourist areas in the capital close to where I live, then yes. But if you keep out of like old town and the worst tourist food places you can do fine. And I'd say most service people can handle English so don't be afraid to go outside the most common places
    It works this way too: 710 2 017 (7/10/2017) haha! I spent all day on FR, on the 10th looking for a palindrome born that day. The first one born was exalted, but then another was born later that day and I was able to trade for it! other dates until the 20th are pretty neat too as long as you don't add the '20'. 71117, 71217, 71317, etc.
    Ymir is a primeval giant from whose body the gods created the world. Mythology in north Europe. Ymir from Titan's Attack, her name seems to be coming from there.
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