King Dorado

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  • Thank you. It has been so long since I have had to let a pet go like that. I was a little girl when I had to put my cat down. It is so much more difficult dealing with the grief not only yours but your child's as well. I know by the end of the year we will have to say goodbye to another one who has a heart condition and a mass in her abdomen so I will be trying to get some art of her as well. I will be going through my fr stuff to see what I can offer in trade for art. I am going to try here as I have a lot of collectibles.
    Ah that's cool lumpia is one of my favs! Still waiting for someone to buy our house though, so I'm still in the states.
    I'm completely broke rn! I was actually thinking about selling some FR currency or something so I can get some tbt to buy that Jack collectible on Halloween D:
    The only thing I have is Reese's Chocolate Peanut Butter spread. But it's ok, I have a long list so I can just omit bread to try to stay original. And I honestly don't know how that got brought up back into the woods...
    I'm getting a decent amount of 'shrooms for the amount of time I'm dedicating to the holiday, which admittedly isn't much. I will say that I miss the days of the Rotclaw and Tatters, though. This and last year's apparel don't really do it for me!
    I know, it's killing me :c an inactive user came back recently just to sell his collectibles but has yet to accept my trade offer so I'm feeling ridiculously discouraged rn.

    and lol, I have him hidden in my basement of course! he's just busy with life atm as far as I know, schoolwork and such.
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