thank you so much! i was so excited to get nominated but i didn't want to jinx my luck so i kept quiet about it lol, but i'm super pumped to get a rainbow feather from my first fair!!
Thanks! I definitely never expected to make the finals. It's the first time I have. And I'm sure your time is coming! Your entries for events and such always look great
Thank you so much! Honestly, I think everybody deserves to win this round. All of the desserts looked great! Looking at them is not helping my sweet tooth :,)
Haha, thanks. I was definitely tired but the comment about sounding sarcastic confused me a bit... Can't say it's something I've ever heard prior to now. But no, despite my geriatric affinities I'm still relatively young!
I'm rooting for you!! Surely you can find a way to bribe Oblivia so she *accidentally* adds far too many of your name to the drawing??
Also, I like my snowflake almost as much as the glow wands. Couldn't you be happy with my extra kidney instead? I've got two of those but only one special snowflake...