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  • Boxer bobble heads? Is this the time were I was asking you for one of them and you had two? I would call this a debate more so good sir, a formal argument :p
    but again, no real point to the movie :p other than to make a generation of kids not wishing to be astronauts when they grow up XD
    D: your trown into SPACE. there is NO one there! you would panic! even if you go through space-training, any human being would be scared, i think she under acted, there should have been more crying :p. There is a chance that if a satellite blew up, it would start a depree storm the way it did D:
    >.> I am not sure what the point of the movie was, my dad said it was for showing off todays special 3D effects etc.
    D: they where in space. going to die. they are not going to sing happy tunes and say "This is so great!" :C
    Wow so you really thought your layout through! c:
    I was so eager to play the game I choice whatever layout.
    I regret it now
    I wanna reset
    But the amount of work I have to put into it makes me not want to.
    Whitney is such a pretty wolf!
    I think i'm going to reset my town
    But I'm going to do it on my alt
    I want to find the perfect town layout I hate mine.
    And then i'm going to shift all my villagers over and use my other town as my alt
    So much work!
    HAHAHAHAHAHA strep through eh? how about trowing up from 1-7pm? :D MWHAAH beat you on terrble-feeling-level! (i win, sorta... wait.... :( )
    Awh thanks!
    I"m done!
    Couldnt be happier though!
    You know Molly still sings yur tune from yur town.
    Ugh! She's so cute!
    I'm sure yu aced it!
    Was it hard?
    All day.
    It was Thanksgiving for us yesterday so I stayed home and studied
    And I didn't go to school today, so I stayed home and studied
    I have exams as well.
    3 this week </3
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