Stahl- Pretty strong has has good defence too. His speed is low-ish, but luckily he can reclass to Myrmidon to fix that. I've only used him once, and I may have just been unlucky but his speed was quite a bit lower than the rest of my team. Lategame there will be some really fast Swordsmasters, Dark Fliers, Falconknights, and Assassins so watch out for those. You'll probably have Nowi in front though, and Swordsmasters (what Stahl will likely be) give basically the same bonuses no matter what the units speed stat is, so it's fine.
Gregor- I've never used him but I heard that his stats are pretty decent all around, although speed is slightly low. His class set doesn't seem to be as great as Stahl's and Gaius' though. He also joins later than the other two, although he starts right beside Nowi so I guess that's helpful?
Btw, you can buy Dragonstone+'s from the Spotpass shop (Shadow Dragon ->- Tiki) so don't worry about conserving the one Nowi comes with.