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  • Fixed your signature! Dunno if you sent the TBT over already, but go ahead and do so if you haven't! :D
    okay, if you're on now we can do it real quick :D you can add the FC in my signature (starts with 3797) and lmk when gates are open!
    I actually had a bit of an emergency and probably won't be able to trade until tomorrow now. let me know if you're available anytime then :)
    I finally finished plot resetting, so let me know when you'd like to trade!
    i can give you 5mil for that c: i'm in the middle of plot resetting right now as i lost a villager today, so i'll let you know when i'm ready to do the trade!
    No it's fine c:
    Yeah send 40 for both just in case. If I only need to fix one I'll send the 20 back.
    I don't believe so, but then again I'm having trouble trying to keep up with everything. xD
    hello! just wanted to let you know I'm fine with waiting if needed, so just let me know whenever you'd like to do the bell trade, whether it's less 30 tbt or not. :)
    Alright, awesome n_n I've got you added and my gates are open whenever you're ready, thank you very much! And haha, thank you for the well wishes ^^;
    Oh! I checked to see if you were around earlier but must have just missed you xD I'm happy to trade now, yeah :O I uh. am actually v tired and sick so my memory right now is not the best, how much payment have I sent you? Was it enough for everything or do I still owe you? C:
    Yay, thank you :D I'll be at school tomorrow unfortunately so it might be a bit hard for us to trade until the weekend, ty again for ordering it all though :O
    i can give you all the zodiac items for free c: ill be on tomorrow around 6pm eastern timezone to 11pm.
    Wow I knee you dint want me to wait for a long time
    But wow you got them fast :)
    And your happy with your signature
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