Haskell Jan 30, 2017 I don't have the full set but could get some/most for you! Depends on what you need, bud!
Agiledog Jan 30, 2017 Sorry about that, a bit confused but you have now both my FC's, but I see you have the correct game system now. On my way
Sorry about that, a bit confused but you have now both my FC's, but I see you have the correct game system now. On my way
Agiledog Jan 30, 2017 Awesome add my FC in the sidebar and I will grab your items now. Open your gate soon please for delivery.
Awesome add my FC in the sidebar and I will grab your items now. Open your gate soon please for delivery.
pandapples Jan 29, 2017 hey, I might be afk when you come so feel free to go to vladimir's house and train out
Haskell Jan 28, 2017 A lot of things are tedious and annoying. That in itself is tedious and annoying.
Haskell Jan 28, 2017 I don't like phones. I was using a friends earlier at competition just so I can do TBT. It was annoying and tedious.
I don't like phones. I was using a friends earlier at competition just so I can do TBT. It was annoying and tedious.