chapstick Oct 11, 2016 liam got permabanned and he gave everything he had to me so i got his pokeball
vel Oct 11, 2016 yo if you're buying pokeheroes stuff, feel free to look at my shop, it's pretty slow rn, so ya know, advertisement.
yo if you're buying pokeheroes stuff, feel free to look at my shop, it's pretty slow rn, so ya know, advertisement.
MissLily123 Sep 8, 2016 Hello Hun <3 How much do you think you would like for your dyes and dye splatters on CS?
jiny Sep 7, 2016 oops sorry for the l8 response! I'm bad at keeping up also!!! yeah I love that as well!! Jennie's accent is waaay too adorable tho ;A;
oops sorry for the l8 response! I'm bad at keeping up also!!! yeah I love that as well!! Jennie's accent is waaay too adorable tho ;A;
classically.trained Sep 5, 2016 Oh, I thought you meant the retro Sentret. I don't think retro furret exists. Do you want a refund, or some other Pokemon?
Oh, I thought you meant the retro Sentret. I don't think retro furret exists. Do you want a refund, or some other Pokemon?