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  • Hey, theres a slot opening soon in my art shop, just letting you know im putting you on the list, if you still want to, post yourreferences and order on the thread
    Hi c:
    Im ready to trade whenever youre ready c:
    (sorry for the really late response. was busy all day ;-; )
    Hey, how do you feel about the person you gave your apple away to selling it?
    I told them and they won't stop saying it's ok, I just feel like if you give something away with the kindness of your heart and they sell it, it's just rude. I wanted to make sure your okay with it.
    Yeah. I'm okay with that. Would it be okay if we trade tomorrow? It's pretty later where I live and I'm going to bed soon.
    Oh, the villain? xD She's alright I guess. Welp, nice talking to you c: Thank you again >w<
    Haha xD Celeste is actually my favorite, but I feel bad for finding Monokuma's design super cute, since it's evil D:
    Hey! If you're available, I can deliver those 50 sweet olive starts to you now! - If you are, add the fc 4227-3292-9026!
    wait. how is she a role-model for struggling artists? is her point like don't let your music be heard unless it's bought?
    ikr. i'm not gonna go out and spend $16 on an album if i only get 30 seconds worth or listening to base it on. i haven't even bought Marina's or Florence's new album.
    Yeah, but most people are American so it's hard.
    The best chance I had they got sold out and my internet went out. :(. I hope I win your giveaway anyway, if you sell the 2 you will get like 8k xD
    Yeah I entered now :p.
    Well if you still have them, and I get loads of TBT I will be sure to try and buy one of the ones your selling! Because the restock was 6am for me.
    How do you have soo MANY APPLES?
    Whoh congrats you must be super lucky :3. If I had TBT I would buy some from you but I'm poor. I have 24 TBT xD
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