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  • okay, its alright. im really sorry /x electronics have cursed me</3 ill be on tomorrow night and retry.
    my ds. to connect to internet. i can try at a coffee shop tomorrow morning at around 7 am, (its 8:48 pm here)
    im ready for trade now! adding you and opening gates :3

    tell me when youve added back and ill open! x
    only have one for now, but if I do get another from the island, I'll contact you! <3

    I can trade with you later if you're still on, heading over someones town for turnips now! thanks for your patience! <3
    Sorry for the late reply darl, would 9 blue roses be too much for a silver axe? .-. if so, 7 is fine! <3
    Hey, would you like to trade the roses now? :) It's getting late here, and I would love to have them today.
    Omg really!? Are you sure!? Thank you so much! :'D So that would only be 50k for the hybrids, bow wig and tiara wig? I can pay more!
    Yes, I do. c: Just let me know how much the hybrids are each and I'll tell you how many I can afford. :3
    Yep! How much would they be each? ^^ Also may I still get the tiara wig for me and bow wig for my friend? c:
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